So this idea formulated a week or two ago, and it has slowly evolved. We were initially going to do an electric tank. After doing some research, we found that treads are very difficult to find online, as well as to make. We are both also poor college students, and LiPo batteries are anything but cheap (not to mention motors). And thus it is that we decided on trying out a gas powered RC. On Saturday, I went down to Deseret Industries (a thrift store), and picked up a weedeater for $15, which is shown with its plastic off in the following pictures. In reality, we still don't know if it works. We're planning to test it over Thanksgiving break. All we know is that it has 25cc's, which is decent. Already we've discovered an issue. We'll have to come up with an alternative startup method besides a pull-start, because to gain access to the shaft, the pullstart has to be removed. For the moment, we're going with a drill. We've also spent some time in front of the whiteboard, drawing out ideas, and visualizing our concepts. I'll have to get up a rough sketch/image of our design in the next week or so.